Computer Programming


JavaScript is a program languege COMPLETELY different from Java.  So if you thought this was a version of Java sorry.  You see JavaScript was origianaly called LiveScript but then Java came out.  Everyone was amazed by Java so the company that made LiveScript renamed it JavaScript so that it would get more attention and make more money.

Overview of JavaScript

  Javascript is a scripting languege used mainly to add interactivity to a website but can be also be used to create games, movies and much, much, more.  JavaScript was made by Netscape.  The latest version is 2.2 and was relesed in October 2009.  JavaScript ranks above scratch but below C++ and Java in terms of difficulty.

Example of JavaScript you (should) have already seen-

One example of JavaScript programing is the pop-up that appeared when you entered the website.  That was the first Script I wrote!

Example of JavaScript game